'' How to wear Green Eye Shadow | MYSTICAL MAKE UP AND BEAUTY How to wear Green Eye Shadow - MYSTICAL MAKE UP AND BEAUTY //


How to wear Green Eye Shadow

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Apply eyeshadow primer to eyelids. This will help the eyeshadow set smoothly and evenly, and prepares your eyes for the  make up application
Use the softest green up to the browbone. Apply the lightest shade of green with the eyeshadow applicator and blend it until even and smooth.

Blend in the second shade up to the eyebrow crease. Choose a green shade that complements your skin and eye color and blend until smooth

Add the eyeliner. Create a clean and sharp line on the top of the eyelid, and extend it outward to the edge of the eyes.

Add the a third color or layer of green eyeshadow on top of the liner. This is the final step that will help blend the shades for maximum impact. You can soften or enhance the color at this stage

Add another stroke of eyeliner on top of the final layer. This will help emphasize your eyes, and you can create a smoky effect with a thicker eyeliner for the evening if you prefer.


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How to wear Green Eye Shadow - MYSTICAL MAKE UP AND BEAUTY